Wednesday, we headed out to the sequoia forest to share one of our favorite places with Brent and Jordan. The afternoon sunlight was magnificent, and I was thrilled to experience autumn in the forest, since the previous times we've been have either been winter or summer. MAN was it gorgeous!
Next, we drove to a spot I have saved on Google Maps, which looked like it had a cool photo opportunity. Well, we ended up not in the location I had intended, BUT IT WAS FREAKING EPIC! I swear, this is why the dairy and beef is so darn good here. I'd say those are happy cows.
THen, since we were starving, we headed to a beach spot that looked like it would have a restaurant/bar. Well, it did, but it was closed. We hiked up a little path, and then Auntie Jordan and Uncle Brent took PiƩrs down to the beach for a short jaunt, and then we headed home. What a fantastic afternoon! As we soaked in the beauty, I literally felt my creative soul eating a meal. ...And it was delicious.